Once upon time there was a family dream, and then us: three brothers aimed at making it real. On April 2013, with the help of our mum and our uncle and their previous experience in the sector, we gave life to Rue des Mille, our fantasy of one hundred per cent Italian prêt-à-porter jewels. The name recalls to mind "via dei Mille", the street where everything has begun and it also contains the "R" of our dad Roberto, reproduced by us after years of training on notes of scholastic memory.
We tell stories with our jewels. We pick up dreams and transform them into elegant, funny and eclectic accessories at the same time. "The dream that you wish will come true" sang Cinderella ...and we are singing it along with her: as in the most beautiful fairy tale, even our dream is becoming real. In three years our fresh, light and original alternative to classic jewelry has conquered the heart of our customers and appeared in the most precious jewelry windows in Italy and abroad. This happened thanks to a market momentum in favour of innovations, trend setters' enthusiasm and public figures who shared our fairy tale offline and online.